Wednesday 8 August 2007


"Atticus aint whipped me since i can remember. i wana keep it that way.

not me personally but i do know someone who was caught by their waggin school by their uncle and his friend who happend to be a police officer. this person was with two of their freinds when they got busted.
the uncle promised not to tell their parents about the incident. though they did get locked up in a cell for the remainder of the day.
the moral of the story..
DONT WAG SCHOOL! you will get caught && it may not be pleasant
this persons parents never really did find out. though their uncle still bags them to this v ery day.
and they feel pretty stupid about it when it's mentioned.

1 comment:

Miss Baker said...

Steff, this is an interesting story, but you were asked to tell one about yourself. Please try again, or if you don't have one about yourself, please write a paragraph about Jem's relationship with his father.