Wednesday 22 August 2007


Mrs. Dubose, is a neighbour of the Finch's who is dying of cancer. She lives alone and doesn't have a lot of company. She comes across as just a mean old lady, her attitude towards Jem and Scout and other people in their neighbourhood is a really rude and intimidating one.
Atticus feels sorry for her, so he makes Jem and Scout pay her a visit every day after school, this is when they read to her. They hate these daily visits as Mrs. Dubose always seems to put them down. She tends to extend their visiting time as well. Each day they will be there an hour or so longer than the day before. This really anoys Jem. The reason Mrs. Dubose is so angry all the time is because she is extremely ill and dying. She is also in a lot of pain. To relieve her pain Mrs. Dubose has been given Morphine, however she doesnt want to be reliant on it so she has stopped taking it. When Scout and Jem complain to Atticus about spending time with Mrs. Dubose he simply tells them to walk in her shoes. Think if you were old and alone, in pain and dying, wouldnt you just want someone to talk to and keep you company??

Wednesday 8 August 2007


"Atticus aint whipped me since i can remember. i wana keep it that way.

not me personally but i do know someone who was caught by their waggin school by their uncle and his friend who happend to be a police officer. this person was with two of their freinds when they got busted.
the uncle promised not to tell their parents about the incident. though they did get locked up in a cell for the remainder of the day.
the moral of the story..
DONT WAG SCHOOL! you will get caught && it may not be pleasant
this persons parents never really did find out. though their uncle still bags them to this v ery day.
and they feel pretty stupid about it when it's mentioned.

Tuesday 7 August 2007


Childhood fears:
Yes, as a child I too had many fears. The dark, a common fear for most littlies, yet still to this day I am occasionally afraid of it in un-familiar surroundings. However, for me as a small child there was one fear I will never forget, one that terrified me, some days even to tears.
Bath time.
No, I wasn’t a dirty little child who never wanted to bath it was what happened after bath time was over that freaked me out. Some background on me on me as a child was that I loved the water; I could have sat in the bath and played with my yellow rubber ducky for hours. My dad Bill, well, he had other ideas for us kids.
He invented a creature so large, vicious and angry that we didn’t dare stay in the bathroom one second longer than mum wanted us in there.
The drain-monster …
Yes, now looking back it seems it was the lamest thing and the thought of me being scared of it is extremely laughable. Dad even had my brother and cousins conned into his the drain-monster game.
When bath time was over, and you pulled the plug out of the drain and the water began to slowly slip away, a mini tornado type thing would happen twisting the water around above the drain in the bath. Then began the drain monsters roar! [The water being sucked down the drain and out of the bath tub] as this stage began every child would have fled from the bathroom and rooms around it to save themselves from this monster lurking in our drains.

Here’s where the rest of the family get involved. We would go to Sydney to visit our grand parents. Being old, dad said her drain monsters were older and angrier than our one back home. And yes my cousins were sucked into this scheme too.
Same story. Just goes on and on and on.

Swans also scare me. They bite. I learned that the hard way.
Moths, still to this day I hate them.
Spiders too. They’re terrible.